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Topic:Name argument & the fastest Prowler
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Island Prowla'Regarding my 01 DC blue Mulholland , curious people say "The 222COOL lic. plate is just right to name the car". Then they ask, "what kind or car is that?" It's a Chrysler Prowler, a lightweight aluminum retro-car built with hi tech stuff..

Like anything in life, owning and describing it to the curious types is a state of mind. To me Chrysler emits a hi-tech futuristic car concept that's being copied like the SSR. Plymouth appeals to nostalgic "old school" bring-out-the-fun-once-again types. While sunny cruising at SF last weekend, a bunch of European tourists actually took pictures in amazement. I told 'em itsa Daimler Chrysler Prowler. One commented excitedly, "A Mercedes.." Well, I like the sophistication that rang with the label. Oh yeah, this car personifies and it's a microcosm of FUN!

Congrats to Mike Krehel making the BLUE Prowler as the fastest ever. That should put to rest the argument of which color is the quickest.. & best. Happy Prowlin' to all.

obi-wanRight now the blue is the fastest, but we who own black ones (Dan Pena,etc.) know that the black ones are really the quickest cus we don't have any color correction to do when were going thru the traps-so there. Obi-Wan
CJAll Mike has to do is take the engine out of the blue..put it in another color and THAT one will be the fastest! lol!
or hire me to paint it......that way he wouldnt have to adjust or re-setup the car all over again

and if the color was up to me to "surprise" him with.....??????? Uh....BLACK, of course!!!!

Black Tie 161
Originally posted by Island Prowla':
Regarding my 01 DC blue Mulholland , curious people say "The 222COOL lic. plate is just right to name the car". Then they ask, "what kind or car is that?" It's a Chrysler Prowler, a lightweight aluminum retro-car built with hi tech stuff..

Like anything in life, owning and describing it to the curious types is a state of mind. To me Chrysler emits a hi-tech futuristic car concept that's being copied like the SSR. Plymouth appeals to nostalgic "old school" bring-out-the-fun-once-again types. While sunny cruising at SF last weekend, a bunch of European tourists actually took pictures in amazement. I told 'em itsa Daimler Chrysler Prowler. One commented excitedly, "A Mercedes.." Well, I like the sophistication that rang with the label. Oh yeah, this car personifies and it's a microcosm of FUN!

Congrats to Mike Krehel making the BLUE Prowler as the fastest ever. That should put to rest the argument of which color is the quickest.. & best. Happy Prowlin' to all.

Was the Prowler split between DC and Plymouth in '01? My '01 is Plymouth....just curious.

Originally posted by Black Tie 161:
Was the Prowler split between DC and Plymouth in '01? My '01 is Plymouth....just curious.


I believe the 01 Orange color was the last Plymouth color. Then came 01 Chrysler blue followed by 01 Chrysler orange.

or hire me to paint it......that way he wouldnt have to adjust or re-setup the car all over again
and if the color was up to me to "surprise" him with.....??????? Uh....BLACK, of course!!!!

I like the way you think, Don!!!

Black Tie 161
Originally posted by YellowFever:

I believe the 01 Orange color was the last Plymouth color. Then came 01 Chrysler blue followed by 01 Chrysler orange.

Thanks as usual YF.... I didn't know they split the year like that.

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